So, Lucy has inherited the bad ear anatomy from my side of the family, just like Ethan. After her first ear infection took 3 antibiotics and a month to get rid of and her second one still wasn't gone after shots of a high-powered antibiotic, it was time to see the ENT. Since Lucy slept so great early on and hadn't seen a full night's sleep since her first ear infection, I was pretty much ready to get the surgery scheduled ASAP!!!
The ENT agreed that she needed the tubes, so away we went. I accompanied Lucy to the hospital on my own since we had to be there so early and they frown on siblings tagging along. Lucy did great. She came out of the anesthesia quickly and was ready to go home. Her ears drained for several days (she had a new infection by the time of the surgery) and she had a hard time getting used to not having that pressure when she laid down, but has not adjusted.
Here's a picture of her in her hospital gown in the playroom at the Children's Hospital, waiting for her turn.