Ethan really doesn't like going to the doctor, but after talking about getting weighed and measured, and that they would listen to him with the stethoscope. He said, "Just like George?" (from a Curious George story), and he seemed to calm down a bit. He was actually great through the whole visit, talking with the nurses and doctor, having his hearing and vision checked, the whole deal. Then there were the shots. He had to get 4!!! One in each arm and one in each leg. He was a real trooper, but just couldn't help crying on the last two, and I don't blame him. Poor little guy. Rick and I decided that was worth a treat, so he got to go to the bookstore after school yesterday to get the "Troublesome Trucks" to go with his Thomas the Train set. He's also quite proud of all his band aids and is still wearing them today.
Here's the scoop on our 4 year old:
Height: 41.25 inches (around 75th percentile)
Weight: 34.5 pounds (around 50th percentile)
All in line with his patterns since birth. He passed his hearing and vision screenings, and named and drew some shapes for the doctor too (circle, square, triangle--apparently 3, 4, and 5 year old milestones she said).
Here's a picture of Ethan in the back yard with his paper airplane from a few days ago. Such a grown up boy!
Yay! Good job, E!!!
And as long as we're on the subject, we weighed and measured Max for his 3 1/2 yr old marks in his book this week... he is 41 inches tall and 37 pounds!!
Taking after his dad in more than just looks!
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