Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One Crazy Night

So here's how my evening went:

6:20--Pick Ethan up at daycare

6:45--Arrive home and get E a snack, change clothes, clean off jogging stroller, play a couple of games of "trumpet" with E.

7:15--Leave for a jog with E in the jogging stroller. Discover (too far from home to turn back) that the tires are all flat and that I might as well be pushing the rickety cart with the wonky wheel at the grocery store, yet I am still jogging (just started a couple of weeks ago and this was my first attempt at incorporating the stroller).

7:40--arrive back home and get a good laugh while Ethan tries to imitate my stretches with me. "Frog" was especially funny as we laid nose to nose, wish someone had been here to take a picture. Start timer for bath. Play and sing until timer goes off.

8:05--Timer sounds, Ethan shouts "time for bath!" We begin to get ready for the tub (me too, since E wants me to get in with him and I'm sweaty from the run anyway).

8:10--Just as I'm naked, the phone rings. It is "Sir." He needs help downloading pictures from his camera and attaching them to emails (NOTE: He has never downloaded anything or even just SENT a regular email). Find a towel to cover up with (because talking to your dad on the phone while naked is just, well, weird). Occupy Ethan by searching for notebooks and crayons while walking "Sir" through downloading the pictures.

8:30--Begin helping "Sir" to create emails with attachments when Ethan has a breakdown. Give up with "Sir" for the time being and start to get E in the tub. He wants to take off his pants, but not his shoes. He refuses to accept that the shoes must go first. Take the, "let him find out for himself" approach and let him try to pull the pants off over the shows--funny for me--BREAKDOWN for him. Rick comes home in the middle of this and offers to take over which gets a very loud round of "NOT DADDY!"s.

8:40--Take all E's clothes off despite the screaming fit and plop him in the tub with me. Survive the screaming and crying until he realizes he can put soap on a washcloth and was his hair and body "All by self!"
8:50--Start to get out of the tub, get E into the bedroom and survive another round of crying while Rick takes over (E gets into to Caillou pretty fast and settles down).

8:55--Pick up crayon mess from earlier, set up E's room for storytime, reheat Chick-Fil-A that Rick brought home.

9:10--Sit down at the computer with food, call "Sir" back and go through the email thing again. First try--too many pictures attached. 2nd try (with multiple emails)--probably go through to mom (we hope) but don't make it to me because "Sir" spelled Thomson with a "p" in my email address. Tell him I don't need the pictures, or that mom can forward them to me. (Faintly overhearing Ethan shout "Time for stories" from the other room, and a bit of a fit as Rick explains that Mommy is talking to "Sir" and she'll join us in a bit.)

9:30--Finish with eating, check Spurs score (they're winning so far)--go to read stories (put on socks, get more snack).

10:00--Finish stories and songs--check Spurs again and sit with Rick while he calls Verizon (AGAIN) to see why our new phones aren't working.

10:15--Now the phones work! A little more basketball and then in here to blog (with one stop between posts to check out the new furniture arrangement in the front room).

10:59--Did the Spurs win yet? Can I find out who got voted off Dancing with the Stars now? Without falling asleep first?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember when you used to sit on the couch and wonder what you were going to do that night? Remember when you volunteered and took 2nd jobs just to fill time? Gone gone gone.